Grooming Day
It is recommended that you groom every 6 weeks, just like human hair cuts, but I am slightly lazy in the dog grooming department. I only groom once every 8 weeks or so... whenever my dogs start looking really shaggy. I bathe them once every week to 2 weeks; I like a clean dog smell, not doggie dog. Hair is a long process for the poodles; it might take 2.5 hours for the male. Last week, I noticed that Steele was looking bad and swore I would get him done this weekend. On Friday and Saturday I found other things that I "had" to do, such as playing a new computer game and adding new pictures to Today I thought I would do the small dogs, but once again other things came up. So my dogs are still shaggy and Kodi is starting to smell like a dog, but I made a "Gator on a Stick" for Steele. Steele was rescued from a breeder who didn’t want him because a medical problem made it impossible for him to show in confirmation. When they discovered he couldn’t show, he was kept in a small cage, never bathed, and not allowed to play. I have been teaching him that toys are fun but he hasn’t been accepting that. I saw the "Fox on a Stick" on an episode of "It’s Me or the Dog" (love Victoria) and had to have one. Steele likes to chase, just not balls. So today, instead of grooming, my mom and I went to Wal-Mart and bought a fishing rod and rope. Then we went to PetSmart to look for a fox toy. No fox, but we found an alligator that would work. So my dad drilled and sawed and tied, and taped it together and now I have a "Gator on a Stick". Steele loves it. He chased and chased until he was panting. I am happy he has a toy that he loves. But my dogs are still shaggy. I need some better time management skills...
At February 1, 2010 at 10:01 PM ,
Jakob said...
I know what you mean. I keep putting off grooming my dog also. You know you need to do it, but something always seems to get in the way.
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