Me and My Service Dog
The beautiful chocolate standard poodle with the undocked tail on Marcella's agility team is actually my service dog,.... and a bit of a challenge to train as an agility dog while keeping her on track with her work as a service dog--we have to adjust her training somewhat, but so far she is doing excellent. No one we know has had this experience so we are winging it and learning as we go. She does run a little slower when I run her as she does not like to get too far away from me--and I am slow. She does better going fast when Marcie handles her. If we discover any helpful tips, we will share them!
I did not know when I adopted her that I would need a service dog, but fortunately she had the perfect personality for this work. She is SOSOSO mellow! She goes everywhere with me and never blinks an eye ....except Harry Potter movies....she does not like them....other movies she is fine with--as long as I share the popcorn and skittles! She has taken me to the movies, to the bowling alley, boating, shopping, restaurants and so on. With her by my side I can go anywhere!
I have learned so much about service dogs since Ellee trained, and I honestly expected her to be accepted everywhere....but we have actually been turned away from hotels, been stopped in stores and asked to present papers and other things. I even got stopped in a doctors office while she was wearing her vest! I purchase all Ellee's equipment from PETJOY ONLINE and they have links to information on the laws as well. The law changed some in MARCH of this year, limiting the animals used for service to dogs and minihorses. AND they can STILL be owner trained, so papers do not really exist---even if you have a service dog school diploma, it might be franed and proudly displayed at home! Do you carry your own diploma or passport around all the time??
Also, dogs DO NOT have to wear a vest--many handicapped people feel it signals that they are less able to defend themself and that may not be a good idea as service dogs are not PROTECTIVE type dogs. Store and business personel may ONLY ask you if that is a service dog, not what kind. They may not ask you to prove it. A security guard at a mall once told me I should put a vest on her to make it easier for other people to see that she was a service dog and then the guards would not have to keep stopping me to ask---I suggested they use their walkie talkies to tell each other a service dog was in the building with a "mad" owner so they would not have to keep stopping me! I was not really mad, just kidding, but I pointed out that she usually does wear a vest, that she was there for a picture and I did not want it on her squishing her fur and messing it up, and that I did not need to have it on her! And even if I do not need her to sit with me in a restaurnat, I can't just leave her in the car all the time. The weather might not be good, she is at risk for someone to steal!!! Very valuable as a trained dog!!!
Really, while the law may seem stacked in favor of the handicapped person, it is STILL WORSE TO BE THE HANDICAPPED ONE! And someone may help me with the dog, such as bringing her in and out to potty, etc, but she should clearly be under MY control, there is work with ME.
I have had clerks ask me for paper work and then threaten to have me removed or ask me to leave even though Ellee had a vest or tag on her collar. Again, please go to the Petjoy website to check out the updated law---Even if you ARE NOT handicapped--it is good to know the law so you can understand--or maybe help and defend another person's right to have their service dog---or maybe even recognize the fraud!
AND... while you are there, check out the sidebags they sell that hook to the vest--I have two and put in plastic bags, handiwipes, antiseptic wipes and all my clean-up potty patrol the other i have a small bottle of water and a fold up bowl for emergencies....and some reward treats as well OF COURSE--the important stuff from Ellee's point of view! PLEASE DO POTTY PATROL!
While we were at the store the other day a gentleman-who happened to be the auditor for a neighbor county-reminded me that service dogs can be registered for free for life in Ohio counties so check your local laws and you may be able to do that as well---it is not so much the money saving as the importance as having your dog registered legally as a service dog. But the savings does help...just take a note from your doctor to show them that you need a service dog and you are on your way! I have also been told that costs for service animals are tax deductible under medical exspenses so check that out for more ways to save.
Now, when making hotel reservations, I always tell them in advance there is a dog--and I usually request a ground room. I always tell because I do not want to arrive and have my time ruined by dealing with an issue then--and I won't stay anywhere that has an issue--Ellee deserves better than that. Even with name brand chains that SHOULD know, sometimes they don't and I got turned away twice so be carful, don't get angry--just explain the law ----many people simply don't know the law--but take notes and do follow up to the management and hotel chain office! They do need to be informed and corrected so the next handicapped person doesn't have the problem. I always worry about the next handicapped person, so I don't ignore problems, I try to make them learning experiences.
Ellee and I do allow people to pet her when I can, but I always remind people to ask BEFORE they ever touch any service dog to be sure they do not interupt a dog at work beccause that person with them could be hurt! And while they pet I talk about service dogs and their work ---trying to do a little education! She always expects a treat after they are done, as if petting is above and beyond the call of duty! And she can count--it is two treats if there are little kids involved! But she is very kind, and as kids approach she drops her head so they can pet her easily, not in fear, just mellow. If they reach for her face she simply turns. I love watching how gentle she is with people. (I am careful and watch closely to be sure they are also gentle to her--though I am amazed at how nice the majority of people treat her) --- I CARRY HAND GEL FOR THEM TO USE BEFORE FOR HER SAFETY--and after for their safet if they wish). I once had a store clerk tell me other customers did not want the dog in the food area--there was no one around but her---and in the course of discussion I did point out that many children (adults) have runny noses and wipe them with the same hands they are using to touch things, my dog was not touching anything--so who was dirtier, I ask???
Remember that Therapy and emotional support dogs may not be allowed the same privleges as service dogs. Check the law--I am not a legal reference.
Ellee and I will be taking a airline flight soon and I will let you know how that goes! Don't forget to ALWAYS do potty patrol for your dog, Ellee wears a small pouch on her vest with clean up supplies just in case. Life is full of surprises!
I did not know when I adopted her that I would need a service dog, but fortunately she had the perfect personality for this work. She is SOSOSO mellow! She goes everywhere with me and never blinks an eye ....except Harry Potter movies....she does not like them....other movies she is fine with--as long as I share the popcorn and skittles! She has taken me to the movies, to the bowling alley, boating, shopping, restaurants and so on. With her by my side I can go anywhere!
I have learned so much about service dogs since Ellee trained, and I honestly expected her to be accepted everywhere....but we have actually been turned away from hotels, been stopped in stores and asked to present papers and other things. I even got stopped in a doctors office while she was wearing her vest! I purchase all Ellee's equipment from PETJOY ONLINE and they have links to information on the laws as well. The law changed some in MARCH of this year, limiting the animals used for service to dogs and minihorses. AND they can STILL be owner trained, so papers do not really exist---even if you have a service dog school diploma, it might be franed and proudly displayed at home! Do you carry your own diploma or passport around all the time??
Also, dogs DO NOT have to wear a vest--many handicapped people feel it signals that they are less able to defend themself and that may not be a good idea as service dogs are not PROTECTIVE type dogs. Store and business personel may ONLY ask you if that is a service dog, not what kind. They may not ask you to prove it. A security guard at a mall once told me I should put a vest on her to make it easier for other people to see that she was a service dog and then the guards would not have to keep stopping me to ask---I suggested they use their walkie talkies to tell each other a service dog was in the building with a "mad" owner so they would not have to keep stopping me! I was not really mad, just kidding, but I pointed out that she usually does wear a vest, that she was there for a picture and I did not want it on her squishing her fur and messing it up, and that I did not need to have it on her! And even if I do not need her to sit with me in a restaurnat, I can't just leave her in the car all the time. The weather might not be good, she is at risk for someone to steal!!! Very valuable as a trained dog!!!
Really, while the law may seem stacked in favor of the handicapped person, it is STILL WORSE TO BE THE HANDICAPPED ONE! And someone may help me with the dog, such as bringing her in and out to potty, etc, but she should clearly be under MY control, there is work with ME.
I have had clerks ask me for paper work and then threaten to have me removed or ask me to leave even though Ellee had a vest or tag on her collar. Again, please go to the Petjoy website to check out the updated law---Even if you ARE NOT handicapped--it is good to know the law so you can understand--or maybe help and defend another person's right to have their service dog---or maybe even recognize the fraud!
AND... while you are there, check out the sidebags they sell that hook to the vest--I have two and put in plastic bags, handiwipes, antiseptic wipes and all my clean-up potty patrol the other i have a small bottle of water and a fold up bowl for emergencies....and some reward treats as well OF COURSE--the important stuff from Ellee's point of view! PLEASE DO POTTY PATROL!
While we were at the store the other day a gentleman-who happened to be the auditor for a neighbor county-reminded me that service dogs can be registered for free for life in Ohio counties so check your local laws and you may be able to do that as well---it is not so much the money saving as the importance as having your dog registered legally as a service dog. But the savings does help...just take a note from your doctor to show them that you need a service dog and you are on your way! I have also been told that costs for service animals are tax deductible under medical exspenses so check that out for more ways to save.
Now, when making hotel reservations, I always tell them in advance there is a dog--and I usually request a ground room. I always tell because I do not want to arrive and have my time ruined by dealing with an issue then--and I won't stay anywhere that has an issue--Ellee deserves better than that. Even with name brand chains that SHOULD know, sometimes they don't and I got turned away twice so be carful, don't get angry--just explain the law ----many people simply don't know the law--but take notes and do follow up to the management and hotel chain office! They do need to be informed and corrected so the next handicapped person doesn't have the problem. I always worry about the next handicapped person, so I don't ignore problems, I try to make them learning experiences.
Ellee and I do allow people to pet her when I can, but I always remind people to ask BEFORE they ever touch any service dog to be sure they do not interupt a dog at work beccause that person with them could be hurt! And while they pet I talk about service dogs and their work ---trying to do a little education! She always expects a treat after they are done, as if petting is above and beyond the call of duty! And she can count--it is two treats if there are little kids involved! But she is very kind, and as kids approach she drops her head so they can pet her easily, not in fear, just mellow. If they reach for her face she simply turns. I love watching how gentle she is with people. (I am careful and watch closely to be sure they are also gentle to her--though I am amazed at how nice the majority of people treat her) --- I CARRY HAND GEL FOR THEM TO USE BEFORE FOR HER SAFETY--and after for their safet if they wish). I once had a store clerk tell me other customers did not want the dog in the food area--there was no one around but her---and in the course of discussion I did point out that many children (adults) have runny noses and wipe them with the same hands they are using to touch things, my dog was not touching anything--so who was dirtier, I ask???
Remember that Therapy and emotional support dogs may not be allowed the same privleges as service dogs. Check the law--I am not a legal reference.
Ellee and I will be taking a airline flight soon and I will let you know how that goes! Don't forget to ALWAYS do potty patrol for your dog, Ellee wears a small pouch on her vest with clean up supplies just in case. Life is full of surprises!
At June 3, 2011 at 11:08 AM ,
Michelle said...
Great meeting you and Elle at Walmart the other day. She's a beautiful dog! :) Added your site to ours at
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