Amour Agility

Our Adventures!

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Ellee is a tattle-tail. Yes, I hate to say it-- but my beautiful little girl is a 'TATTLE-TAIL!!!  Whenever any of the other dogs has one of her toys, or is winning at tug of war --or any other thing like that--well the barking starts.  She looks at me as if to say, "help me" or "they took my toy" or  "make them give it back" .... and she barks and barks until we somehow resolve it--but I resist giving into her demands.  I try to be fair!  Each of the dogs has a distinct and different personality.  Kodi is always happy and  loving UNLESS one of the other ones gets too close and them he can grumble--but it is all barky noise.  He has gotten stepped on a few times so he is careful. On the agility course, he is happy to do what Marcie asks--he moves steady and does the best he can every time--but he does move a little slower --he is the true tortoise of the   story  of the hare!  Tulla is usually a lady and mommies her stuffed animals.  OR she is holding onto her soccer ball ready to chase it over and over.  If she sees agility equipment she starts spinning and gets very excited!  Tunnels suck her in and her speed sets her up for mistakes but the love she has for the work shows-- she has agility in her heart.   Peek is quiet unless she wants to play fetch with something--and you better be ready to throw it or she BARKS at you! and barks! and barks!  In her highest pitched voice!   On the agility course she is all business--but she doesn't  like to redo the obstacles--she will-but she gives you a look that says "we just did this!"  Steele wants to be loved and petted....he will lean on you and if you stop he will bump you to remind you to pet him.  And if you still wait he will bump you again or lay down RIGHT next to  you!  But you have never seen a dog JUMP so high and so effortlessly over jumps, fences or anything!  He never tries to excape, just jumps in the air in happiness to see you or in a game of play.  Yet on the agility course he can't concntrate on which obstacle is next. Boldly is also very happy to be near you, but doesn't insist on being petted-just wants to be nearby.  When he visits he has his special spot to rest on my bed by my feet and he has his own room where he eats and watches the animal shows on his t.v. while resting on his futon. Ellee is easy going and pretty mellow.  She enjoys loving if you don't overdo it.  She likes agility if you don't get too carried away with it-don't set the jumps too high or run too fast -She does love to climb the a-frame. She is always calm.  UNLESS there is water to splash in!   Regardless of which dog you are petting they are all LOVING and FRIENDLY.  Not a  bad one in the bunch.  They play well togerther and with others.  Some like to play fetch in the water (tulla, peek) while others just like to play in the water--(ellee.)  The boys are more cuddley-pet-me personalities.  In the end, they all love time with people.   And we love time with them!


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