Amour Agility

Our Adventures!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Teaching Time

Lorrin joined me for a few hours the other day to help me with a visit to some young students for a lecture on Service/Therapy and Agility Dogs--how they are trained, what they do, and how important they are. We can learn about them at any age, but it is ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT FOR YOUNG PEOPLE TO LEARN ABOUT SERVICE DOGS--THE FUTURE OF THESE KIND OF PROGRAMS (AND THE PEOPLE WHO NEED THESE WONDERFUL ANIMALS) IS IN THEIR HANDS! We play games, do worksheets, answer questions and have lots of fun loving the dogs. The kids get to "BE" an agility dog, climbing through a tunnel and jumping a jump. The have to gel their hands as we talk about cleanliness. And they do a guessing game where I ask questions about "which dog likes blueberries?", or, "which dog gets to go to the movies?". That way we discuss their diet, snacks, brushing their teeth, baths, grooming, vacinations and responsibilities of ownership etcetcetc. It all depends on the age of the audience/teacher plans. This was one of the younger group, and I was not at my best, but I think the kids had fun and maybe learned a little. Lorrin helped me hold the leashes, potty the dogs, carry equpment, go to the car to fetch things I forgot and help with lines of kids etc. I could not have done this without her. AFterwards we went to lunch and talked about how she brought Peekaboo home for the first time, how she grew up with Boldly, Topanga, Kodi and Kayleekay. She remembered how she used to visit with Zoey from my work--Zoey was a rescued golden who lived in the nursing facility and visited the elderly every day--she is buried on the groungs of the facility. Daisy is our newest rescued golden who lives and visits there--and Lorrin has met her. Lorrin is my favorite member of our pack! (HAHA) Thanks to Lorrin for her help, to the kids for listening and learning and being SO NICE to the dogs, to the teachers for inviting us to visit and to all the teachers, youth group leaders and peoples of ALL AGES who care enough to treat us so kindly. Ellee and I are so lucky to have met so many kind people in our time together. THANKS EVERYONE!


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