Ellee is back up to doing school and scout visits to teach about service dogs--what they do and how to act around them. Then we meet and greet. I also take some of the others and talk about therapy and good citizen dogs--how they are trained and what they do. Then I let the kids try some agility equipment--I have a short tunnel and a couple jumps they use to pretend they are agility dogs--they love the play time. Ellee and I were at the mall and met some DAisy scouts so I hope they call. Had to buy cookies you know. I got a new necklace with Ellee's face and her name on it--a silver heart and it looks cute. Boldly is here to visit for a week while his mom is out of town and we are having fun. Ellee is a little jealous of sharing my bed with him but they work it out. Things are going well for the amour agility group!GRRAMS!